National Racehorse Week Open Day – A Great Success 

We were delighted to welcome over 150 people, including many children, to Alastair Ralph Racing on The Third Saturday in September.

The open day was the first one that we held as part of the National Racehorse Week, and we were delighted at the response from people who came from far and wide.

The week is a nationwide celebration of the racehorse and a chance for people to see first-hand the love, care, and attention that goes into looking after them.

Those who came to Bind Farm for the event were able to enjoy a schooling session where jockeys Jonny Burke and Murray Dodd put Holly Hartingo, Royal Lake, Pougne Aminta and Chanceux through their paces.

Jonny then joined Alastair Ralph’s Assistant Trainer Tom Britten and Stable Conditional Jay Tidball in a Q&A session where they answered questions from the days attendees. The final part of the day was a very informative session by stable farrier Liam Evans.

A raffle on the day raised £235 for the injured jockeys Fund.

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